Mazao Talks


Welcome to Mazao talks Podcast, a podcast that features stories of ordinary people working in agri-business. We feature contributions by farmers, budding farmers, and agri-food experts and discuss business opportunities that are available in the farm produce value chain for the youth. This podcast is made possible by the European Union through the Market Access Upgrade Program (MARKUP), which is implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

Opportunities are there but for that to happen,we have to create values for farmers.


In this episode, we introduce our hosts Jason and Sheila, and give a quick overview of what we are about.

You can connect with us on our social media platforms. We are @MARKUP Kenya of Facebook Instagram and Twitter.

This series references the MARKUP Kenya study on agri-business value chains that was conducted in 12 counties of Kenya. More information about this study and the work that MARKUP Kenya is involved in is available at

You can listen to all our episodes on any platform of your choosing. You can also find links and access to other materials on our website at

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